Today, Pedro Plantain finds himself in a laboratory where he's about to meet a new Kaiju Big Battel friend. Who could it be?! No, this lab wasn't ruined in a monster attack, it's just underfunded, and nerds are slobs.
Game design by Paul Harrington - Graphics by Soda_piggy
And so, our Kaiju Big Battel:
Fighto Fantasy heroes bumble their way into Boston. This zone is
divided into a few different areas connected by subway. There will be
some familiar sights here for locals! Some people will also get mad that
the geography has morphed a little. Sorry, that's what happens when mad
doctors mess with time and space.
Game design by Paul Harrington - Graphics by Soda_piggy
After dealing with dudes in Egypt, Rome, Russia, and a weird Abyss outside of time and space, The Kaiju Big Battel:
Fighto Fantasy heroes are finally making a trip to the USA! But where
are they? Got any guesses? Next week we'll have a full reveal of the new
Game design by Paul Harrington - Graphics by Soda_piggy
quote one of the great philosopher kings of our time, "Y'all can see me
now 'cause you don't see with your eye / You perceive with your mind."
Seeing is believing or something, right? I see.
Here we have some visual modification options for Kaiju Big Battel:
Fighto Fantasy. After a certain point in the story, a vending machine
will appear in Hero HQ that lets players buy items that mess with the
game's audio and visual elements. Which style do you like best?
Standard Palette
Lights Out Palette
Inverted Palette
Flat Palette
Desaturated Palette
Dawn Palette
Monochrome Palette
Neon Palette
Twilight Palette
Espionage Palette
Red Alert Palette
Game designed by Paul Harrington - Graphics by Soda_piggy
Just another day in the Kaiju Big Battel:
Fighto Fantasy Hero Headquarters. Here we see the Party Room, a place
where the heroes can hang out, bust some moves, play some games. There
are some scary things out there in time and space, but you don't have to
live your life in fear. There's a time to break and a time to chill.
Game designed by Paul Harrington - Graphics by Soda_piggy